Copyright 2024 © KENNYs IP.  All Rights Reserved.

Our clients include individuals and businesses of all sizes. We focus on providing innovative and practical legal solutions for our clients' needs. With enthusiasm and experience, we offer effective and efficient representation to fit the evolving world in which we live. We seek to develop client relationships that will result in successful outcomes. 

Moreover, in the new economic age in which financial responsibility and

"no surprises" are facts of life in the world of corporate legal budgets, we take pride in working with in-house IP counsels to achieve their desired results in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Thus, it is not surprising that brand name companies in the U.S. and around the world have turned to KENNYs IP to solve their IP problems and to protect, enhance, and maximize the value of their IP assets in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

We invite you to take advantage of the free, confidential consultation we offer. You will have the opportunity to discuss your case so you can understand your legal rights and your options. We understand the importance of being fully informed before making decisions about important next steps. 

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  We handle your IPRs in China, Taiwan & Hong Kong

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